How to prevent bre@st Sagging/Drooping As A young Woman

your bre@sts are bound to lose some of their lift as you age, there changes you can make now to keep them young-looking as long as possible.

Bre@st sagging, also called bre@st ptosisis, is a normal part of the aging process. Ligaments stretch, connective tissues break down and the skin thins, leading to bre@st sagging. Although you cannot prevent bre@st sagging, you can keep sagging to a minimum and perk up your bust with a few changes in your lifestyle.

Note:- Bre@st Feedinq Can never cause Bre@st sagging. What only make bre@st stand still is bre@st muscles not the milk inside it.

All is just to strenghten the bre@st muscle and No Sagging Of Bre@st will occur.

1) Maintain a steady weight by eating a sensible balanced diet and exercising. Gaining and losing
weight causes changes in the bre@sts. Gaining weight causes the bre@sts to enlarge, and the skin
stretches. When you lose weight, the bre@st skin can look stretched and the bre@sts often appear
empty and have a saggy appearance. Eat plenty of vegetables, lean protein and whole grains and stay
away from junk food to maintain your figure.

Walking for an hour or 30 minutes of aerobics every other day helps keep your metabolism up and your
weight steady.

2) Bre@st massage is another best method to prevent bre@st falling.
Bre@st massage as a method of natural bre@st firming and bre@st health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy bre@st tone, pliability and firmness.

3) Exercise to build pectoral muscles, which gives the appearance of firmer bre@sts. Strength-training exercises that effectively tone the pectorals include push-ups and chest presses with a set of dumbbells.

4) Pay attention to your posture. Poor posture causes bre@sts to droop, while good posture lifts the bre@sts up. Look at your bre@sts in a mirror while you stand with poor posture and again while you stand with good posture and notice how much higher your bre@sts sit when you're standing straight. Make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are back and your head is level. If you find it tiring to stand and sit with your back straight, improve your posture by strengthening your core muscles, including your abs and back.

Pilates and yoga target the core muscles, as do traditional moves such as crunches and the plank pose.

5) Use sunscreen daily. Overexposure to damaging ultraviolet rays contributes to the loss of elastin and collagen that keep skin firm. Slather on a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to any exposed areas of your chest.

6) Eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids to keep the connective tissue and skin healthy to help slow the signs of bre@st sagging. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables contains the antioxidants necessary for healthy skin, so e,at dark vegetables and colorful fruits which are higher in antioxidant content. Fluids hydrate the skin and connective tissue, so drink at least six 8 oz. glasses of water, green tea or 100 percent juice a day.

7) Stop smoking. Dr. Bahman Guyuron from Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland was quoted in Visual News, saying smoking reduces collagen formation, causing collagen degradation and reduced skin circulation. In addition, nicotine reduces skin thickness. All these factors make skin lose elasticity and cause premature aging, leading to saggier bre@sts.

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