Why Waiting To Be Married? (A Must Read)

The topic of my lecture today is Why Waiting To Be Married? (Pardon the typographical error that was made in the flyer.)

1. She Confided In Me

One day, while having a conversation with a lady she suddenly confided in me; she told me she is waiting to get married — she is waiting for her own ideal person.

Although I understood what she said, I knew there is a better way to go about getting married than unnecessarily waiting for one perfect guy to come and take you down the altar.

2. There Is No Perfect Guy/Lady

That moves me to this second nugget: there is no perfect guy or babe anywhere in the world!

Does that come as a shock to you? Don't be shocked. There is no perfect guy or lady out there. Of course there are a lot of wonderful people in the world who are qualified for amazing relationships, but if you're waiting for that perfect guy/ lady that will fit into that prerequisite you made for yourself, then you might as well wait forever.

Meanwhile, I am not saying you shouldn't have your preferences, but what I am saying is that while making your preferences, have it at the back of your mind that the best way to get the ideal person for yourself is to make yourself the ideal person.

That now moves me to the next nugget.

3. Make Yourself The Perfect Guy/Lady

It is not wise for you to be waiting unnecessarily for the ideal man or woman when you can spend your time making yourself the ideal person.

Like the lady I told you earlier, I see a lot of youths making the same mistake. They worry themselves so much about how to get the ideal person for themselves when all they are supposed to be doing is to ensure they make themselves the ideal person.

Why is it necessary or important to make yourself the ideal person? This question will be answered in the next nugget.

4. You Attract The Kind Of Person You're To Yourself.

The reason why it is wise for you to make yourself the ideal person is because you  attract those who are like you. That is, you attract those with like passion. The kind of person you are will determine the kind of person you will attract. That is why they often say, "Show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are."

To further expatiate what I am trying to say here, let's move on to the next nugget.

Oh Jesus... I'm in the spirit

5. To Get Attracted To The Ideal Person, Be An Ideal Person Yourself.

It amazes me when people who are not really living ideally are looking for the ideal people to marry. How can that be possible?

You can imagine a man who does not have a clear purpose for his life looking for a woman who has gotten direction for her life?  It just doesn't make any sense.

So, if you desire to get married to the ideal person, don't WAIT for the so called ideal person, instead prepare yourself and make yourself the ideal person. The moment you start preparing yourself, the moment you start attracting the right set of people. And in fact, from thereon, you will enjoy every phase of life.

That now moves us to nugget 6. We're already approaching the climax of this seminar.

Are you still following?

6. How Can You Prepare For Marriage?

There is a general saying that goes thus: proper prior preparation prevents poor performance. I call it the P6 formula. What this formula entails is that, if you want to achieve a good results in anything then you must adequately prepare for it. That is applicable to marriage too.

As a single, hoping to get married someday, if you want your marriage to be an amazing relationship, then you have to make preparations towards it. Don't wait and expect everything to work based on your imagination, you've got work to do.

Now, let's move to next nugget.

7. Physical Preparation.

There are five practical ways to prepare for marriage: physically, spiritually, financially, academically and emotionally.

What is physical preparation about?

That has to do with your age. Yes, there is a right age to get married. You cannot expect a child to get married. Marriage comes with so much responsibilities that an immature person might find it difficult to bear.

So, if you're hoping to get married someday, or you know marriage is part of God's plan for your life, because no matter how much we try to ignore the truth, marriage is not meant for everyone and it is not everyone that will get married, but if you know marriage is part of your purpose , then you need to ensure you're physically prepared for it.

This is why I frown against the motion of early marriage for our girls. But that will be a topic for another day, I guess. Smiles.

8. Spiritually Preparation

This is the second thing you must consider while preparing for marriage. You need to prepare yourself spiritually. A lot of people don't take this seriously and that is why we have so many broken homes today.

Life is in two phases: we have the physical and the spiritual phase. The spiritual controls the physical. And if you want to achieve success in your marital life, you cannot afford not to be spiritually inclined.

And what I am simply saying here is that you should develop a personal relationship with God. Know God for yourself. Form a relationship with him. By that, you're preparing yourself spiritually for what lies ahead.

9. Financial Preparation.

This is very important. You need to prepare yourself financially if you're hoping to get married.

I wish I can dwell more on this point, but let me just paraphrase my point. As much as love is the basis of every successful marriage, love is not enough. Love doesn't pay bills, money does.

So, while preparing to get married, especially as a male (I say this because it is the duty of the male to provide for his family) ensure you have a meal-ticket — ensure you have a means of income.

The importance of getting financially prepared cannot be overemphasized. So ensure you that while you're still single, you're planning on how to become independent financially.

10. Academic Preparation.

This is another thing you need consider while preparing for marriage — academic preparation. As an individual, I cannot marry an uneducated person. Yes, I cannot.

For you not to misconstrue me, I will carefully explain my point to you. There are two types of education: formal and informal education.

Formal education has to do with going to school, being taught by teachers and then becoming a graduate. That is the process of formal education. I'm sure you are also familiar with this process. Meanwhile, informal education has to do with .

So, in this age we are in, it is very, very important for one to be educated. It doesn't matter whether you go to school or not, it doesn't matter whether you're a graduate or not, but it is very important that you're not a nonentity in life.

Education is still the best legacy. So, you need be educated if you are hoping to spend enter into the marriage institution.

11. Emotional Preparation.

This is the fifth way to prepare yourself for marriage.

Before getting married you need to prepare yourself emotionally well for it. Marriage sometime comes with some challenges that someone who is not emotionally mature will find it very difficult to handle.

For instance , imagine a situation where your mother-in-law talks to you anyhow. Such incident can make you become emotional, but if you're already in control of your emotions, you will know how to react in such situations.

So, with all these words of mine I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that do not wait to be married, prepare for it.

Your singlehood has a purpose. Live it full.

Do have a nice day!!!

PrimeBrains Media

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